DANWISE has a new structure

DANWISE has restructured its board and we have shifted from a chair and a co-chair to a board of directors. We thank Vanessa Hall for her amazing work as chairwoman in the past years and look forward to having her as a director on our board together with two other...

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DANWISE prize 2022 nominations open

The subscriptions for the DANWISE prize 2022 are now open. The nomination period is open until 25th February 2022. Nominees can be individual persons, departments, or other functional teams or organizations from one of the Danish Universities, a life science industry,...

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DANWISE promotes CV writing and negotiation skills workshop

DANWISE warmly invites all female ECRs to join us for our first online workshop. We will equip participants with the tools to effectively showcase their skills in a CV. Career counselling expert Vibeke Broe will discuss the different formats and expectations for...

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Workshop on Confidence and Communication

All are welcome at the upcoming exciting workshop “Confidence and Scientific Communication: a female perspective”. It is part of a workshop series that has been organized by DANWISE and the University of Copenhagen. It will be held on January 13th, 2020, in the Maersk...

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Lead the Future – Aarhus Edition

Join us at Århus University, where four talented female leaders will tell their personal stories about being a woman in a leadership position. The role models will talk about their choice of education, their career path, the choice to become a leader, and what their...

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